Promote quality of life for adults with disabilities, through the development of self-esteem and autonomy, rescuing them from vulnerability and guaranteeing a dignified future for these young adults.
Ensure support for adults with disabilities and their families, through guidance and provision of social assistance services and public policies, with priority being given to improving quality of life and the pursuit of rights.
The Day Center for Persons with Disabilities believes in the right to welcome adults with disabilities, offering opportunities for development, through respect for individuality, love of life and dedication to work in search of a better quality of life.

Discover the activities carried out at the Day Center for Persons with Disabilities
Hands in the Dirt Workshop
The garden is a living strategy that can:
-foster studies, research, discussions and activities about environmental, food and nutritional issues;
- stimulate dynamic, participatory, enjoyable, inter-and transdisciplinary teaching;
-promote discoveries;
-lead to multifaceted learning;
-bring our diverse staff together through subjects related to environmental and nutritional education.

Music therapy
Music therapy stimulates creative potential and communicative capacity, mobilizing psychological, biological and cultural aspects. That's where community or social music therapy comes in. This type of music therapy seeks to empower groups and enable engagement and exchange of experiences between patients, so that they can organize themselves and carry out all the necessary confrontations for a healthier social life.

Craft therapy is an alternative form of treatment that has proven itself to be effective in promoting cognitive and motor development for people with handicaps. Craft therapy consists of the creation of handcrafted objects, such as toys, handicrafts and decorations using techniques such as sewing, cutting, gluing and painting.

Painting on Canvas
Fostering the creativity and development of the people we help through art is an unparalleled activity for mental health.

Physical Education
Physical activity is fundamentally important at any age and one of the ways to care for health and achieve quality of life. Additionally, physical activity is an important way to prevent chronic illnesses such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure.

This stimulates an enriching experience of self-awareness and sensitivity for dealing with others in various day-to-day situations. Storytelling opens pathways to awaken creativity, improvisation, problem-solving and critical and logical thinking. Playfulness is essential to capture the attention of the people we help. By actively participating in the activity, most of the time they themselves are the story’s heroes. With well-designed props as part of the stories, the Storytelling Workshop also brings back emotional and cultural memories.

Music Workshop
Music is a part of our essence. It doesn’t matter whether we have the musical talent to be a musician – music goes beyond this. People are born with the ability to distinguish between music and noise. Our brain has different pathways to process different parts of music: pitch, melody, rhythm and tempo. Although music’s effects on people are not yet fully understood, studies show that when we listen to music we like, our brain really does release a chemical substance called dopamine, which has positive effects on our mood. Music causes us to feel strong emotions such as happiness, sadness or fear, and it can also make us move. According to studies, music can also improve our health and well-being.
The music workshop provides everything from contact with the most basic fundamentals through to the physical properties of sound: pitch, duration, intensity and timbre. More complex explorations, using special techniques, can be used to sharpen hearing and provide musical recreation and improvisation.

Beauty Workshop
Through various activities, this workshop helps the group assimilate various concepts and develop social and personal care abilities. One’s self-image and understanding the importance of personal care help provide autonomy to live well with oneself and others.
Conversation Circle
This activity creates a space for listening, expressing oneself and having dialogues that allow for reflection, self-awareness, an awareness of others, and an understanding of the various ways people think and act. People talk about their experiences, contribute to the interaction and create connections. Socialization, trust and new things learned strengthen the group.

Psychomotor education promotes motor stimulation, spatial perception, cognitive functions, communication, self-confidence, sensory integration and social abilities. In addition to strengthening physical abilities, psychomotor education is fundamental for cognitive and emotional development.

Judo helps with weight control, improved posture, balance, reflexes and muscle tone. Judo is highly recommended as one of the world’s most inclusive sports.
For autistic people, in addition to promoting a general improvement in physical health, judo provides significant improvement in psychomotor abilities and increased self-esteem.

Art allows people to express themselves, to connect with their environment, with their “self” and with others – allowing them to gain new knowledge and share ideas and experiences.
Handicraft activities build knowledge and help with small daily activities, such as holding a glass, drawing a picture and being more autonomous in daily life. They stimulate the development of memory, attention and concentration. By producing handicrafts, drawings and paintings, the people we help come to understand the importance of conserving the environment and reusing materials, such as transforming a milk container into a vase.

Dance Workshop
Fostering the creativity and development of the people we help through art is an unparalleled activity for mental health.

The cooking workshop is important so the people we help can develop their skills in the kitchen and become interested in helping their parents at home. This workshop mainly focuses on behavior, attention and encouraging group work.

Games and Gadgets
Games allow people to experiment, invent, discover, learn and confirm their skills. They stimulate intelligence and sensitivity. The opportunities games offer ensure that interaction and feelings harmonize.

Educational Workshop
The objective of the Pedagogical Workshop is to stimulate and develop the process of human and social formation, considering and respecting the specificity, culture, experience and knowledge acquired throughout the life of each person assisted, complementing it with values and new knowledge.

This workshop aims to stimulate the practical and rhythmic aspects of music. It includes diverse kinds of music on various instruments. It also works on memory through games such as “What’s that Song?” Combined with the music workshop, this achieves very positive results for the people we help.